The Truth About Learning Disabilities That Teachers Want You To Understand (Part 2)



I love my career as an educator, especially a teacher for those children with special needs. It doesn’t mean that if I call your child with special needs, he is mentally or psychologically unfit. Please, let us eliminate the stigma. Your child has a learning disability, and this is not something that he wants, nor does he consciously act or do. It is innate in him because it is his genetic composition.

Scientists and genetic experts are still researching as to how this is possible, and while the whole world is waiting for answers, we are trying our best to lessen the signs and symptoms of such disabilities, so that your children can cope and function in their daily lives.

Are you ready? Here are more things that we want you to understand.

Children With Dyslexia Are Often Left Untreated Because Most Don’t Know How To Find The Right Support.

Dyslexia is a very tricky thing to discuss. Katie Davis, PsyD, wrote, “Dyslexia is a reading disorder characterized by a primary phonological processing deficit. People with dyslexia struggle to decode individual words and have poor spelling abilities.” Child doctors don’t treat them, and unfortunately, health insurances don’t even recognize them. Katherine Lamparyk, PsyD, wrote, “Dyslexia is considered a medical diagnosis, but it’s uncommon for physicians to be trained in the psychological testing required to make the diagnosis.” Autism is different from Dyslexia. In this manner, the community supporters of Autism fought for years to achieve the guarantee that they will have absolute support by health insurance. Nowadays, dyslexia also created an organization called Decoding Dyslexia to impose their rights further and collect benefits to be able to continue the battle with Dyslexia.

The Other Road Less Travelled – For Parents Of Children with Dyslexia



As much as parents and supports want to advocate and do their best for the children, the fight can go out of hand. With the inclusion of different media nowadays like the internet, it resulted in an increase of political influences in the battleground of fighting for the rights of the children. It has a generally negative impact as it can escalate to legal affairs.

Never Ever Give Up On This Struggle. If You Do, It’s Like Giving Up On Your Child.

You may have a hard time and frustrations may set in, but never give up. It is going to be a long and winding journey throughout, but you are the leading role-player here. You should first acknowledge and accept the problem so that you will immediately take actions and follow the step-by-step guidelines in handling your child’s condition. It is never going to be easy, but don’t feel hopeless.

It Doesn’t Mean That If Your Child Has A Learning Disability, He Or She Can’t Succeed In Life.

While this statement is very encouraging and uplifting, always remember that those famous people with dyslexia underwent an intensive day-to-day learning routine to reach their goals. It is not impossible that your child can also make it big in life because learning disabilities do not define your child. Wendy Rice, PsyD, wrote, “Know that dyslexia can’t be outgrown, but it can be managed through treatment and strategies.”

Be Compassionate. It Can Help Your Child On His Way To Success.



While sometimes you lose yourself in the process, kindly love them with all your heart. They have their inner struggles already, and every day, they experience low self-esteem and demoralization. Often, several parents look back to their previous actions when they are still unaware of their child’s condition, and they deeply regret it. This is not the time for it; it is the time for full support and nourishment for your child.