Learners’ Mental Health – Exam Stress Coping Mechanisms

It is important to realize that sometimes stress can affect you positively. It can be the drive that you require to successfully complete the tasks at hand. Sometimes, it gives you considerable mental and emotional awareness while relieving the pressure associated with everything going on around you. If used in moderation, it may prove advantageous.


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But being a student can make you more stressed than normal, especially right before an exam. Numerous thoughts may cross your head, such as endless scenarios of what-ifs. You can be overly concerned with reviewing the lessons and hoping that the material you crammed during exam week will be covered on the test. Like you, many students worry ahead of time that they won’t pass the exam.

Exam Stress: An Overview

It’s expected to experience stress before any examinations. Your body naturally responds to the situation by creating stress hormones. Stress occasionally keeps you focused and driven. However, excess can be detrimental. Negative thoughts regarding the examination setting can seriously disrupt your mental health. Although you may not agree, stress levels during exams has the potential to cause additional mental health problems.

Exam stress can be debilitating. You can get tired and confused by it. Stress might arise when a lot of material needs to be revised quickly. Stress may also increase if you don’t need help understanding the course topic.

Stress that is related to exams can impact anyone and manifest itself in various ways. For instance, you can experience changes in your eating habits, feel agitated and irritated, experience anxiety or depression, or have trouble falling asleep, and sometimes can affect your self care routine. Stress can sometimes feel like a mental exhaustion and can make you constantly think negatively about yourself, find it difficult to focus and concentrate, and lose enthusiasm for the things you used to enjoy. You start to worry about what lies ahead.

Reasons Behind Exam Stress

You feel stressed out before exams for specific reasons. Among them are the following:

  • Fear that you may fail the test
  • Feel unprepared
  • Desire to excel greatly
  • Limited time for studying
  • Need to achieve a specific outcome
  • Have doubts about your performance.
  • Have trouble understanding the subject matter you are studying.
  • Experience family pressure to perform well in school
  • Think you must compete with other people
  • Currently dealing with other issues in your personal life

Managing Exam Stress

Exam stress becomes worse by the intense expectation to perform well. This could be the result of pressure you place on yourself, your family, friends, or your school. Anxiety related to exams might strike as early as the day of the exam or even earlier.

These demands are frequently overlooked. You could still want to perform well on results day to make the people around you proud, even if they aren’t putting any pressure on you. But keep in mind that you are not disappointing anyone, regardless of the outcome. There are things you can do to maintain your composure if everything is getting to you. It helps if you understand the things you can do and take notes of them.

Be Kind To Yourself

Examining your past accomplishments, both academic and non-academic, might be beneficial. Alternatively, make a summary of all the qualities you find admirable about yourself and that other people find valuable. Your self-esteem can be greatly increased by making time for the activities you love to do and are good at.

Being gentler will help you find more effective methods and relaxation techniques and tips, such as breathing exercises to study for the test, manage daily life more effectively, and lower your levels of worry and despair. Additionally, it can increase your sense of self-worth, which strengthens bonds with other people and gives you the resilience to face new challenges.

Keep A Routine And Take Regular Breaks

Establish in advance what you want to accomplish during each study session. Divide it up into manageable chores and focus on one at a time. To prevent overusing your mental resources at first, it is helpful to try to concentrate on a course of study that is simple to understand. Steer clear of multitasking as it may lead to mental stress, particularly if chores are left undone.

Regularity and breaks allow you to improve, relax, and refresh your brain. Detoxing with lengthy pauses from work and electronic devices might also be beneficial. They urge you to switch off and focus more intently on the work at hand. Consider them as chances to explore the outdoors, do new activities, or unwind with our feet up.

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Eat, Sleep, And Exercise Well

Putting and working long nights, eating poorly, and moving as little as possible throughout the entire day may all worsen anxiety symptoms. Aim for 8 to 9 hours of quality sleep,  and get at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily to optimize your body’s overall functioning.

Go for more water with less caffeine. Keep in mind that caffeine and energy beverages can provide a brief boost. However, over time, they are detrimental to your health. Get a decent night’s rest as well.

During sleep, retained information is consolidated into short-term memory and into long-term memory. Thus, sleeping less won’t help you study.

Manage Expectations And Set Realistic Goals

One major circumstance that can cause anxiety is the pressure to perform well on exams. Dealing with this might be challenging, particularly if you felt you had done nearly everything and given it your all and you were expecting to succeed but instead received a dissatisfactory grade.

Remember that you are in charge of your life, regardless of the exam’s outcome, and that it does not define who you are. Put the exam into perspective as a result.

Recognize the impact if something doesn’t live up to your expectations or standards and acknowledge its importance in the grand scheme. To control your emotions and make more reasonable goals, you must be aware of what you may reasonably expect from your tests.

Talk About Feeling Under Pressure

Changes and unexpected events, problems, or challenges can – and do – often occur, regardless of how well-planned or organized you are. Stressful situations may cause you to worry too much and imagine the worst possible outcome.

The ability to respond effectively to pressure and stress is, therefore, extremely important in your exam stress management. If the individuals around you – like your friends, schoolmates, or family – are putting pressure on you, it can help to tell them what you feel able to reach.

Let them know your feelings and expectations as they are different from theirs. You can seek help from your professor or someone you trust and tell them about the anxiety you are under. Talk to someone if you have to.

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy can result from comparison. When you evaluate yourself against others, you are more likely to concentrate on your shortcomings and areas of weakness than on your advantages. This may result in low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy.

After that, try to put your attention on the things you can do and not on how other people are getting ready for their tests. You can’t avoid believing that others are performing better, revising more, or simply not worrying as much. All of us are unique, though, and that’s good. Recall that your friends are also managing the stress of exams. They may be experiencing the same level of anxiety as you.

Ask For Support And Practical Help

Determine if you can manage your exam stress by seeking out some useful support. Should one exist, discuss it with an instructor or mentor. These individuals can offer revision assistance and guidance on balancing several disciplines, so this could assist with a subject you’re finding difficult. It’s true that asking an instructor or tutor for assistance may sometimes feel very awkward. However, bear in mind that they will have conversed with several pupils who share similar emotions. School systems aim to assist students in passing tests, and you should be given the support and assistance you require. In times of overwhelm, keep in mind that having social support can help you feel more confident and in control of your life.

Believe In Yourself

When you’re always taking on new difficulties, it’s easy to lose sight of your progress and accomplishments in the past. It would help if you didn’t have to worry about the exam because you have studied hard.

Consequently, replace any negative thoughts you may be having with positive ones. For instance, instead of feeling like a failure when you don’t attain the intended outcome, concentrate on your strengths and celebrate all that you have accomplished thus far. Consider the time and energy you dedicated to your studies. Recall that creating goals can be made more successful if you have self-belief.

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Final Thoughts – Life Doesn’t Stop Around Exams

Everybody’s life includes activities outside academics, jobs, and tests. Exam season can bring complicated situations that make studying difficult. You may lack the necessary time, space, drive, or focus.

Asking for assistance is crucial if something in your personal life is interfering with your ability to study and feel prepared for your examinations. You can rely on many helplines if you don’t want to avoid speaking with someone you know. No matter how minor or large your struggles appear to be, you deserve support.

Your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Handle Exam Stress?

What Are The 5 A’s Of Stress Management?

How Do You Deal With Exam Stress And Anxiety Essays?

How Do You Deal With Academic Stress?

How Do You Overcome Exam Stress Quotes?

How Can I Relax Before An Exam?

How Do I Stop Overthinking After An Exam?

How Do I Feel Less Stressed?

What To Say To Someone Who Is Stressed About Exams Over Text?

How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety During Exams Ppt?

How To Study Effectively?

How Can You Identify The Stress?

How To Deal With Anxiety Before Exam?

Why Is Stress Management Important For Students?

Why Am I So Stressed During Exams?

Parent-Teacher Collaboration Benefits

You might be shocked to learn that factors outside of the classroom significantly impact a student’s education. Parent involvement in the learning environment with providing feedback is an important element that can significantly increase academic achievement. Numerous studies show that children with actively involved parents do better academically, attend school more frequently or every day of the week, behave better, and have stronger social skills.

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To raise student involvement and improve learning results, schools should focus on involving parents because they are vital to the growth and development of their children. Thus, discussing how schools may create a supportive learning environment and strengthen parent-teacher relationships is also important.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration In Learning

Collaboration between parents and teachers is crucial to a student’s educational experience and academic success. A student’s parents and their child’s teacher can collaborate to establish a rapport, help students with exam stress management, and provide support and the best possible learning environment at school and home. This will allow the flow of positive feedback in both parties as they make way for the betterment of the collaboration with parents.

Parents and teachers must establish communication between them. In addition, they can offer encouragement and assistance to the learners to help them develop their best academic function. They can also identify potential contributing factors and develop a strategy to take action that targets the student’s points of weakness.

For instance, if a learner is having arithmetic difficulties and hasn’t necessarily mentioned the challenges to their family, the family can find out from the instructor. From there, the two (parent and teacher) can collaborate to improve the learning environment that suits the child’s needs.

This could entail the student and the teacher spending extra one-on-one time, the family working together on projects at home to complement the student’s classroom instruction, or even acquiring a private instructor or tutor.

However, the family can notify the instructor if a pupil is having difficulties in class as a result of issues and concerns at home. Suppose the instructional professional is still determining whether anything at home bothers the student. In that case, they can also question the parents or the family members if that information needs to be given.

The instructor and parents can have a better understanding and discuss the problem and develop a strategy to support the student during a difficult period if they have an excellent connection and can establish trust within them.

Educators are frequently expected to be clairvoyant when it comes to their learners. However, the instructor can get the knowledge required to support the pupil’s needs by developing a close working connection with a student’s parents, guardians, or other family members.
The Importance Of Parent Involvement
Learners must understand that student’s progress in academic is supported by their instructors and parents working together. One method parents might use to achieve this is by assigning homework. Parents can better understand what their youngsters are learning in school with the help of homework.

Parents may ensure their kid produces their best work by reviewing it and offering further assistance. Moreover, homework is a useful tool for reinforcing concepts learned in class. Therefore, parents and educators must devise strategies for inspiring pupils to want to finish it.

  •       Establishing a rapport and a foundation of trust with the student’s family.
  •       Establishing channels of communication that facilitate the learner’s learning experiences.
  •       Making the classroom a more inviting place for students to learn.
  •       Learning more about the learner’s educational background and style.
  •       Fostering communication between the parent/teacher and the student to ensure everyone knows the kid’s objectives and skills.
  •       Keeping parents informed on the social and educational growth of their children.
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Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Educators can support children’s learning and well-being by collaborating with parents or guardians. Learners’ academic achievement, emotional-social learning, on-task behavior, and general overall growth will all benefit from this partnership.

Building a strong parent-teacher interaction is intuitive since both parents and teachers want the best for their children to improve their educational experience and level of commitment at school.

Instructors can discover more about their students’ hobbies and living situations with the help of parent-teacher collaboration. This enables them to create more effective techniques tailored to the individual learner’s needs.

It’s also advised to provide more details on how this method of after-school learning might support the child’s in-class endeavors and assist the family in comprehending the educational material or program and how to assist the child after school.

Teachers can provide specific recommendations or resources to assist parents in selecting extracurricular activities that can enhance the educational experience of their kids in class.

Parents can foster an environment of learning and successful collaboration at home to support a kid’s skill development because they are aware of their student’s strengths and shortcomings. Parents who want to provide their kids with the best education possible must have the means and self-assurance to support the educational goals of their kids.

In addition to pointing families toward resources to help their child achieve their objectives, educators can foster this sense of trust by involving the learners’ families in discussions and activities that impact the child’s educational life. Additionally, by fostering family cooperation, pupils are given even greater chances to thrive academically with the backing of the larger community. The goal should be on the same page to be able to hone problem solving skills and develop a good relationship.

Parent input can be obtained directly from the source, and the school administration can use this data to enhance the teaching-learning process. Parents take note of this commitment to their kid’s learning and appreciate it and all its efforts in supporting the child’s better development.

Students and their families can still find ways to assist and be an integral part of the school community building by setting up events, creating enjoyable learning experiences, and other social functions in which family members and parents are welcome to participate.

Among other benefits, students experience more interest in the classroom, better attendance, enhanced social skills, and higher academic achievement. Together, they may work on their dedication and design a strategy that will help the learner succeed in the future, whether to keep them engaged with their current course of study or to forge a new one.

Additionally, it turns the family into an ally in helping the student overcome obstacles and provides helpful suggestions for growth. Additionally, learners will likely show less disruptive behaviors, a commitment to studying, increased situational flexibility, and a generally favorable attitude about education.
Benefits Of Strong Parent-School Relationship
It’s usually an excellent concept to engage and collaborate with a student’s parent rather than teachers arriving up with ideas and thoughts on their own. It is vital that they become socially aware of their needs to address them. Remember that most parents have the finest knowledge of their children, so collaborating with them gives teachers a great opportunity to showcase the child’s skills and traits. Here are some additional suggestions for enhancing cooperation between parents and teachers.
Strengthening The Home-School Connection With Effective Communication
A strong partnership between teachers and parents is built on accurate and open interactions. A stronger home-school connection is established by effective communication, which motivates parents or guardians to get involved in the children’s education and lessons.

Parents can receive up-to-date information about their kid’s actions, participation history, and academic achievement through internet resources such as school curriculum portals, email messages, and messaging apps.

Parents can quickly and easily get clarification, notifications about school-related events, and regular contact with instructors via messaging apps like Telegram and WhatsApp. With this approach, administrators can communicate comprehensively and comprehensively, sharing precise observations and insights regarding a student’s learning process.

Different parents communicate in different ways. Finding dependable methods of communication that suit them best is beneficial. Provide a two-way channel for interaction so that parents, guardians, or caregivers can exchange information. This will guarantee a constructive discussion.

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Regular Parent-Teacher Meetings For Collaborative Learning Strategies

In the context of parent-teacher conferences, both teachers and parents talk about the learner’s social skills, mental and emotional wellness, and character development. This all-encompassing strategy guarantees that the child’s education and experience go beyond academic success, encouraging holistic development and well-roundedness.

Parents can discover a great deal about their child’s learning preferences, strengths, and weaknesses through these in-person exchanges. When parents know their child’s career goals and get individualized direction from instructors, they can actively support learning at home and foster academic achievement.

Parents and teachers can share knowledge, talk about the child’s academic progress, identify areas for development, and create collaborative approaches to assist the kid’s advancement at these meetings, which are great opportunities.

Additionally, it fosters a strong bond between the family and the school. It lets parents get acquainted with the instructors or teachers and learn more about their kids’ intellectual, social, and emotional growth. The strong parent-teacher relationship enhances learners’ academic arrangement. Given their shared interest in the educational process, parents and instructors are likelier to put in more effort and focus on achieving academic objectives.
Strengthening The School Community With Parental Involvement
This commitment goes beyond the classroom and includes volunteering, attending parental support meetings, extracurricular events, and school events and functions. Children can personally observe the value parents have on learning and educational involvement when parents participate in various elements of school life.

Parental involvement that is proactive benefits the school community as well as the pupils. Parents may improve the academic environment and give teachers and kids extra assistance when volunteering, attending activities, or sharing their knowledge. Furthermore, parent engagement strengthens the school’s sense of community by fostering a welcoming, cooperative environment where each person’s contributions are respected.

Parent-teacher conversations are an excellent way to learn about and talk about the students’ objectives, challenging areas, and educational requirements—both within and outside the classroom. This sense of belonging positively impacts the drive of learners and general involvement in their studies.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration Final Remarks

Working together, parents and teachers can help students succeed. A supportive environment that fosters academic student’s success and holistic development is created by strongly emphasizing effective communication, holding frequent parent-teacher conferences, and encouraging family involvement through Parent-teacher collaboration. By providing chances for involvement with the school and keeping parents updated on the child’s progress and their development, schools can enable parents to take a proactive part in the educational experience of their kids.

Parent Teacher Collaboration FAQs

What Is The Importance Of Parents’ And Teachers Learning Collaboration?

Why Is Collaboration Important In Teaching?

Why Is It Important To Collaborate With Colleagues, Families, And Students To Improve Your Teaching Practice?

What Is The Most Effective Strategy For Teacher Collaboration?

What Is The Benefit Of Parent-School Collaboration?

Why Is It Important For Educators To Collaborate With Students And Their Families Around The Implementation Of An IEP?

How Teachers Can Build Positive Relationships With Parents?

What Is The Role Of Teacher Collaboration In Improving Student Outcomes?

Why Is Communication And Collaboration Important In Learning?

How Can Collaborative Activities Build A Community Of Learners?

How Could Teachers Effectively Communicate With Students?

What Is An Example Of A Collaborative Approach?

What Is The Important Role Of Parental Involvement In Special And Inclusive Education?

What Is The Role Of Collaborative Learning In Inclusive Education?

Why It Is Important To Promote An Inclusive Teaching And Learning Environment?

Therapist Explains: Why It Matters To Have Integrity

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There is probably no place on Earth that did not value integrity. It serves as a compass to many people as they go through a lot of experiences in life. It also becomes a basis of how competent and trustworthy you are as a person. Because of that, I advocate teaching about it more to children throughout the United States.

As a therapist, I had seen the effect of this honesty and lack of moral uprightness in people one too many times. Some families developed a permanent rift among themselves since they could no longer believe what their relatives said. Others drowned in misery as they could not find a way out of their lies. If you’ve ever asked why not, the typical reply you would hear was, “No one taught me about integrity.” That’s what I wanted to change.


When I got my Ph.D. and license, I did not have my own clinic at first. Instead, I worked for a prominent mental health facility catered to children with psychological and neurological disabilities. Since I showed dedication and integrity at what I do, I received a promotion within seven months of working there.

The administration assigned me to supervise and train new therapists on the processes that we follow in the facility. It was not the most straightforward task because you had no idea how these adults would react upon knowing that someone their age – or sometimes younger – would lead them. Some were cool with it, but of course, others were a little less inclined to do as I asked.

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Still, I did not let the naysayers faze me; I tried to do my job very well. I mostly did not have problems until I came across a young professional who tested my ability to stay calm.

Dealing With Someone Who Lacked Integrity

Whenever I trained people, a series of written tests were often included in the beginning. Some had multiple choices; others were in essay forms. They all took place online so that the professionals could answer everything at their own pace.

One of the trainees I met was Joanna. Upon meeting her for the first time, I noticed her bubbliness and grace. She introduced herself as a former flight attendant, which I thought was cool. We need a people person like her in the facility.

Then, I asked how Joanna learned about the job. She said, “Oh, my boyfriend is one of the nurses here. In truth, he encouraged me to send my application here. But I must tell you, if given a chance, I would like to go back to working at the airline.”

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I did not know what to reply to that immediately. Based on those words, it became evident that Joanna was not too serious about becoming a therapist here or anywhere. She was only doing it for the money, and I was worried about that, but I went on to give her the questionnaires.

Two days later, Joanna informed me that her papers were in my email. I opened the multiple-choice tests first, and she passed. That was an excellent sign, of course. However, as I checked her essays, I realized something: her sentence structure was similar to mine.

I had no idea what made me do it, but I pulled up my old essays from the admin file and cross-checked it with Joanna’s essays. They were almost identical. She only changed several words, but it was all mine. I even showed the papers to my bosses, and they were surprised as they confirmed what I saw.

My body was shaking when I discussed the situation with my bosses. I was both mad and shocked at Joanna’s audacity to copy my essays. And how did she get ahold of them? I did not doubt that his boyfriend took them for her.

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When I confronted Joanna, she put on a tough façade and told me she spent all night writing everything. I hate liars as cheaters, so I showed her my work and informed her that I knew what she did. She tried to make excuses, but they were too lame and too obvious. The bosses ended up firing her and her boyfriend due to a lack of integrity.

Reeling In

Do you see why integrity matters? Having integrity allows you to earn the respect of the people around you. It makes you likable and valuable in their eyes. No matter what happens, you know that they have your back.

Without integrity, it will be almost impossible for people to trust you. They already know your character; they will often doubt you. Thus, when things go crazy, it will not be challenging for them to push you away.

The latter happened to Joanna and her man. They tried to cheat her way into the company and did not think someone could see through their deception. Too bad for them, I saw it. If only they were honest, they would still be employed in the facility.


How To Show Integrity At School According To Therapists

I grew up not knowing my parents personally because they were taken away from me when I was a toddler. By “taken away,” I meant that they were placed in prison for organized thieving and were supposed to remain there for 20 years. My grandmother ended up taking me in and looking after me.

Although I often felt sad about practically becoming an orphan, I learned to appreciate that my parents were not around during my formative years. As a grade school teacher, I knew firsthand how impressionable young children could be. If you do something, you could be sure that they would copy you. If you tell them to say something in front of them, it would be a part of their vocabulary forever.

Just imagine what could have happened if my mom and dad remained free. What they lacked was integrity, you see. They used to lie to anyone to get a small fortune. When that was not enough, they devised a plan to rob not one but four jewelry stores in the city. Of course, they pleaded not guilty in court, causing their sentence to go up to 20 years instead of perhaps ten or 15.

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Teaching Integrity

My childhood experience pushed me to teach my students to become honest and morally upright individuals. I must admit that it was not too easy, especially since I had no mental health background. I had to contact the local therapist and ask her to coach me on how to do it.

After a few years of teaching integrity to children, I can now share the most effective ways to improve their characters.

Expand Kids’ Moral Vocabulary

As I mentioned earlier, kids could be impressionable. Because of that, the therapist suggested decorating my classroom with words related to great values. Some of them were respect, honesty, responsibility, and so on.

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When I asked why the therapist told me that expanding the children’s moral vocabulary at a young age could increase their general awareness of morals, you would not see laziness, lying, irresponsibility, or rudeness among those words, after all. Over time, that could make them realize that that’s because those were not morally right things.

Introduce Positive Quotes And Affirmations

Every day throughout the school year, I would ask a student to share a positive quotation with the class. Before the day would end, we would chant simple yet powerful self-affirmations. “I am happy. I am strong. I am blessed and thankful. I believe in myself.”

It might sound cheesy or repetitive, but kids thrive that way. They need a constant reminder of who they are or what they can become if they are happy, thankful, and full of integrity. I believe that introducing positive quotations and affirmations early could make them effortless to remember in times of uncertainty.

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Reward Excellent Deeds

When the school year started, I told my students that I would throw a classroom party every month if they showed positive deeds every day. Meaning they would be truthful, honest, loyal, responsible, helpful, etc. That little promise pushed them to be friendlier than ever to ensure that they could have monthly parties.

Was that bribing? That’s possible, but I did not see it that way. I just knew from experience that awful actions were in the limelight more than the excellent ones, and I wanted to change that. Doing so proved to positively affect children, considering they learned moral uprightness with flying colors.

Respond Well To Bad Deeds

Of course, not every child could be good. That’s especially true if they were raised by parents like mine or got influenced by the things they watched on TV. In that case, they could misbehave at school and get sent to detention for it.

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Well, if my students misbehaved, I hardly used the pink slip. The reason was that I disagreed with using such a punishment that allowed the teachers to push the problematic kids away instead of helping them. Rather, I would talk to them and find out why they behaved a certain way. Then, I would explain why it’s considered a negative behavior.

Final Thoughts

I salute all the teachers who teach integrity to their students aside from the actual subjects they specialize in. More than academic knowledge, children need to boost their morale to become fantastic individuals. Whether they could learn that from their parents or not, it would be highly ideal for the teachers to help them.

Assuming you want to show integrity in your school but do not know how I recommend talking to a therapist. After all, the last thing you want is to use a method that seems helpful but may turn out to have an adverse effect on children. You need to do everything correctly from the start to avoid confusing them regarding what’s right or wrong.


Importance Of Academic Advising

Academic: What Is Academic Advising And How Does It Help?

Talking about academic advising, stress levels, and burnout are at an all-time high because of the pandemic. Many students have not enrolled since last school year due to the shift from traditional to online classes.

The pandemic significantly disrupted the education system, forcing institutions to adapt rapidly, often with limited resources, to ensure students could access vital information and academic support. Many students faced challenges in contacting academic advisors and accessing financial aid, particularly in higher education, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions to bridge these gaps in support services during such unprecedented times.

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This made the situation more complicated, especially for those without a stable internet connection and gadgets. Thus, this kind of program is much needed.

What Is Academic Counseling?

Students who want to achieve success may want to seek professional advice. An academic advising counselor typically provides students with individual counseling as well as exam stress management. This is particularly for student-centered development and choosing careers or internships. An academic advising counselor’s role may be broad in scope.

Quality academic advising services play a pivotal role in student-centered development by aligning with the core values of educational institutions and ensuring individualized support for students’ academic progress. These services, including advising appointments and personalized guidance, prepare students, including graduate students, for success, fostering a supportive environment that nurtures their educational journey and overall personal growth.


We spend most of our time in school during our life’s most formative stages. We bask in our education and extra activities. These are our most vulnerable ages when we have learning experiences in more complex emotional depths. An academic unit-assigned faculty advisor can help lighten educational stress as they offer treatment options.

How Does Academic Counseling Help?

Academic advising is a process where an academic adviser helps a student achieve their educational and career direction or academic goals. Academic advising assistance helps students in various developmental aspects within and outside their education curriculum. Advisors are usually advisors who work with students at various levels.

Academic advising can help students make an informed decision toward a career they wish to succeed in in the future. For many students, academic advising is a life-changing decision that can take years to decide on. But when the time comes to choose career skills, will they realize what to decide on? Academic Advising counselors will easily help students.

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Academic advising counselors can help learners solve personal goals or interpersonal relationships. Sometimes, that means looking into whether the student’s needs are being met. Academic advising counselors may help facilitate their social needs if they have conflicts with friends, family, or even teachers.

Students with mental health issues or who have accessibility problems may note to reach out to academic advising and school academic advisors. However, most academic advising counselors are not equipped to diagnose learners’ mental health.

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When students suffer from stress or depression, they may lack the reason and motivation to finish their academic work. Meeting learners’ basic needs is the most important part of achieving success. When a student is happy and fulfilled, it’s only natural to succeed in their academic career. Most mental illnesses arise from being deprived of physiological, social, and psychological needs. Academic advising will significantly help undergraduate students in this.

The academic advising counselor must get in touch with the student’s parents to assess and clarify the student’s needs. Also, with proper parent teacher learning collaboration, parents may also offer a perspective on their child’s lifestyle or study habits and report it to the school’s counselor.

Helping Students With Learning Disabilities

Such counselors may also assist learners with research and learning difficulties. Dyslexia is a learning disability that may hinder the student’s capacity to read. Dyslexic students may be delayed in their reading milestones compared to their peers. One in every five kids has dyslexia, making this one of the most common learning disorders. Academic advising counselors can significantly aid learners with these disabilities who have difficulty focusing on their academics.

ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) may impact a new student’s orientation capacity to focus on school work and pay attention in class. They may easily be distracted by their course and prioritize activities outside the classroom. Because their attention may not help engage them with their school or university degree requirements and registration, academic advising counselors may offer advice on productivity, information, and time management.

Bullying And Harassment Affect Performance

Bullying can inflict long-term emotional damage on an individual and affect their academic performance. Learners who are bullied are more likely to experience anxiety and depression.

An Academic Counselor Can Help

These victims of bullying find academic advising or counseling very helpful as it can guide them to talk about their actions and feelings. This is why it is so important for academic advising experts to recognize bullying in all early instances. There is a need to create a better academic environment inclusive of all current students of different backgrounds. In this case, students need to develop emotional maturity. This will let them define and thrive with the in-person degree and progress well through difficult challenges and upcoming events later in life.

Source: pexels.com

Taking Academic Advising

Should we encourage students to reach their potential and consider academic advising? Definitely! While classes have transitioned into online medium areas, many factors might affect major college stress levels, including academic stress.

According to an academic advising counselor, adjusting to distance learning has its own opportunities and difficulties. Accessibility to a stable internet connection and gadgets for online classes can be a social class indicator.  The lack of these interactions and engagement among learners makes a big difference in their education. A counselor can advise them on what to do to gain interaction that will help them in creating their education or after their graduation.

It is worth mentioning that campus resources should continue to provide mental health counseling services along with counseling for their students. Academic requirements are already a source of stress for many, and so is a strained relationship with your family. A highly competitive environment and stress serve as necessary for growth.

While it remains uncertain when face-to-face classes will be the norm, we should keep mental health resources and adequate academic advising support available and inclusive of all students regardless of socioeconomic status. Check for same-day appointments or scheduled appointments now. You can also visit advising centers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Would You Describe A Proficient School Adviser?

What Do You Expect From Academic Advisors?

What Is The Most Essential Component Of Academic Advising?

What Entails The Process Of School Advising?

Why Is Advising Important In Schools?

What Are The Objectives Of Academic Advising?

Why Is Academic Advising Important For Student Success And Development?

What Happens In Academic Counselling?

What Should You Ask Your Academic Advisor?

How Can Academic Advising Be Improved?


Why You Should Be Open About Counseling To Your Kids

It’s not unusual for parents to avoid discussing topics involving mental health with their kids. After all, they want to protect their kids as much as possible—especially from stress. But as the kids begin to learn more in school, their minds will also start to mature. Kids will naturally be exposed to more knowledge as time passes by. Younger kids would only ask why the sky is blue. Children in middle and high school will have much more complex questions.

Understandably, talking about counseling can be too heavy and confusing for kids. Even adults find it challenging. You may also think that it would be better if your kids focused on school. But while many parents hesitate to discuss this with their children, mental health awareness is gaining attention worldwide. More people are starting to embrace being open about their kid’s mental health in regular schooling. One by one, schools and companies have also been holding seminars on counseling. 

Parents are children’s first teachers, and their homes are their first schools. Before they start formal education, it is your duty and responsibility to guide their beliefs and viewpoints. In the recent parent-teacher learning collaboration study notes that being open about counseling at home can help your children cope better at school and learn exam stress management. They may even be the catalyst for these types of conversations amongst their peers! Here are a few more reasons why you should be more open about counseling to your kids:

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Good Mental Health Leads To Better Academic Performance

If you’re like most parents, you want your children to perform well in school. You may think that openly discussing your feelings and mental health will negatively affect your child’s academic performance. You might also feel awkward when disclosing such sensitive information with your kid. Contrary to this belief, being open about getting counseling will help your child get better at school.

Mental health is related to school success. Studies show that poor mental health can lead to poor academic performance. If students are stressed, anxious, or depressed, they are likely to receive a lower grade or have poor retention. On the other hand, a good mental state will allow them to perform well in school. If you show no shame in undergoing counseling, they will be more inclined to seek a counselor when they need to.

Moreover, if your kid doesn’t understand the importance of mental health and counseling, they can develop negative attitudes. These mindsets may hurt their well-being and those of their classmates as well. Bad experiences in school may cause their school performance to drop.  Having to face disciplinary actions can be frequent, too. Your child may also avoid school altogether. So, it’s crucial to impart the value of counseling and mental health to your kids early on.

Source: pexels.com

Being Open Will End The Stigma Even Before It Begins

Keep in mind that your adolescent children are slowly transitioning to their teenage years. They can now better process and handle information. They are also capable of asking difficult questions. If you are not open with them about mental health and counseling, they will seek answers elsewhere. Learning about counseling in a different environment may give them false information. Your child should get it from you first. 

As a parent, you may find it hard to discuss your mental health challenges. Of course, you should not overly burden your child with your woes. However, you should give them a sense of what is going on in your life. They may not be able to solve your problems, but having a listening ear can already help ease your troubles. 

Simply sharing your emotions can already have a profound impact on your child’s perspective of mental health. The more you talk about your mental health, the more they feel comfortable with sharing theirs as well. They will learn that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes and not attach any shame to their feelings.

Your Own Mental Health Can Affect Your Children’s Behavior

Mental health problems can affect your behavior and, consequently, your home life. While sorting out your issues with the help of your counselor, your child may get confused. They might also misunderstand you. If you do not discuss the importance of counseling, your children may make false assumptions about your situation. It’s important to make them understand why you need to undergo counseling. 

Also, parent-teen relationships tend to be complex. As kids transition to teenhood, they’re slowly figuring out the world and constructing their concepts of love, friendships, and relationships. They are also breaking away from parental control and slowly making their own choices in life. As a parent, it can be quite challenging to think about how your child is coping. However, your role is to guide and support. Conversations about mental health will not only help them understand you. It will also help them acknowledge their feelings. 

Communicating openly with your children will also help create a more open relationship. If your child knows that you can discuss anything with them, they will not be afraid to speak. They will realize that they can talk to you freely if something is bothering them. This dynamic will help them manage their responses to emotions, especially intense ones. 

Source: pexels.com

In Conclusion 

Mental health awareness is gaining more attention around the world. More and more educators realize the impact of counseling on students. To stop the stigma, it is essential to educate children more on the importance of seeking help. Kids should learn about counseling not just from school but from their homes, too. Doing so can promote the healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development of students.

Everyone aims to help students receive a good education. Mental health challenges, as well as life’s hurdles, will hinder your children from achieving academic success. Sometimes, these difficulties cannot be faced alone. Thankfully, there are counseling and therapy—valuable resources available for those facing challenges. As a parent, you should show your children that it’s okay to ask for professional help when things get tough. Counseling can help them deal with their problems and find success in life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Psychiatrists And Therapists

Source: pixabay.com

Raise your hand if you have been worrying about having anxiety for some time now!

This feeling is familiar for people with undiagnosed anxiety. You have possibly scoured every mental health website you can find; you have most – if not all – the symptoms written there. However, you cannot get a diagnosis because you do not know if you should contact a psychiatrist or therapist first.

Distinguishing The Two Occupations

I had the same ordeal many years ago. I decided to move across the country right after getting my master’s degree to prove that I could make it in the real world without my parents’ influence and financial support. I was okay living off my savings for the first couple of months as I looked for a job. However, when the third month came, and I was down to my last $2,000, I began to experience panic attacks, especially when I was lying in bed at night. I kept thinking, “What if I couldn’t find work in the coming weeks? Would I have to live in my car? Worse, would I need to swallow my pride and ask for help from Mom and Dad?”

During one of my sane days, I looked up the symptoms of anxiety. My old psychology professor touched the subject when I was in high school, but it was so long ago that I could barely remember everything. When I read its telltale signs (e.g., excessive worrying, agitation, lack of concentration, insomnia, etc.), I panicked again because I recognized all of them, Me. But I eventually decided to push my worries aside and decide to see a mental health professional handle my situation.

I did not know who to ask for referrals in my new city, so I drove around every block, looking for a mental health clinic. Perhaps it was my lucky day as the first thing I found was a hospital with a psychiatric department. Though I felt embarrassed to ask for directions toward the psychiatrist’s office, I made the correct decision, given that only a psychiatrist – or a psychologist – could provide a diagnosis, not a therapist. It only took two sessions before the psychiatrist confirmed that I had anxiety, which was a product of my situation. She suggested therapy to me, and it cleared my head and allowed me to look at my other job opportunities until I found the most suitable one for me.

If you wish to learn more about how to find the right therapist or psychiatrists, I will break everything down for you below.

Source: pixabay.com

Should I see a psychiatrist or therapist?

You should see a therapist if a psychologist says you need therapy to cope with your mental disorder. Many psychologists offer this treatment, but not all. Meanwhile, you should check with a psychiatrist if the therapy sessions do not work or suffice and you are in need of medication. Psychiatrists are the only mental health professionals who can write prescriptions since they are medical doctors.

Is a psychologist a therapist?

No, it is wrong to say that a psychologist is a therapist since that implies that the two are synonymous. The reality is that psychologists can become therapists – provided that they obtain the right training and certification. Still, not all psychologists choose to be therapists; that’s why you see people looking for the latter even when they already know the former.

Should I see a therapist or psychiatrist for anxiety?

Seeing a therapist is recommended during an early diagnosis of anxiety, considering the patient only has a tough time dealing with specific scenarios. It entails that helping them alter their lifestyle or way of thinking may still work. However, if the anxiety transcends an individual’s ordinary habits and affects their relationships, work, and daily life, they may need to see a psychiatrist ASAP. That way, the mental health professional may prescribe calming or sleeping pills and ease their symptoms.

What are the three types of therapy?

  • Psychodynamic Therapy: It is the most conventional therapy type that aims to dig deep into your mind to know what causes your issues. Psychodynamic therapists basically want you to analyze your way of thinking and emotions to know when your mental disorder will attack.
  • Behavioral Therapy: When you get behavioral therapy, the mental health professional will not spend much time finding the root of your problems. Instead, they will determine how you react to specific situations and help you improve those reactions. For instance, if you often freak out in the middle of a crowd, the therapist may teach you how to recognize your behavior and stabilize it so that you can pass through that crowd without a hitch.
Source: pixabay.com
  • Humanistic Therapy: This type encourages the patient to think of the best way to solve their problems, with the guiding idea that they know what’s best for them. From the beginning, the therapist will welcome everything you think may work on your disorder. Their role is to be your sounding board and actively listen to you until you develop an excellent decision.

What do psychologists make annually?

New psychologists typically make up to $60,000 per year. For seasoned mental health professionals, it may go from $80,000 to $120,000, depending on their location and clientele.

Is a psychologist better than a therapist?

Being a psychologist or therapist has its pros and cons, so it’s impossible to determine which one is better. After all, a psychologist spends years in school to diagnose mental disorders, and some therapists who didn’t study psychology can do that. At the same time, psychologists cannot do what therapists do, especially if they did not train to become one.

What should I not tell a psychiatrist?

There is ideally nothing you should hide from a psychiatrist, considering you are getting their services to help you deal with your mental condition. Anything you do may affect your disorder; not telling the psychiatrist everything may keep them from being able to help you entirely. Nevertheless, your story should focus on what they are asking.

What are the four types of talk therapy?

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CB therapists pay attention to how a person reacts to a particular thought and how their reaction changes when they alter their way of thinking. This type of therapy is considered short-term since it can end after six sessions if the patient shows improvement at once.
Source: pixabay.com
  • Dialectic Behavioral Therapy: It is a combination of meditation and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Psychologists typically recommend DBT to individuals who cannot stop binge-eating or deal with personality disorders. They can choose between group or one-on-one therapy. 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: Psychodynamic therapists encourage you to travel back down memory lane in hopes of helping you figure out where things have gone wrong (or right). This way, you can understand how everything started, as well as what happy memories you can tap into.
  • Humanistic Therapy: This type of talk therapy aims to make you bring out your full potential without much external help. Yes, a therapist will be in the room with you, talking to you, but they will not force any idea on you. Instead, they will listen as you think of various approaches to your problems, support your views, and stay on your side if you need to try again.

What is the most common therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most well-known type of talk therapy. According to a study, 38% of the individuals who booked a therapist between 2013 and 2014 asked CBT as a treatment.

Does seeing a psychiatrist go on your record?

Yes, your appointment with a psychiatrist will be on your record permanently, although some hospitals may promise to separate it from your medical record. The reason is that doctors have only sworn to keep their patients’ conditions hidden from regular people, but they need to be truthful about it to their peers. This way, when you visit another doctor, they will know your current diagnosis and start from there instead of going back to square one.

Final Thoughts

Did I worry about my future employers seeing my mental health record? Of course, I did at some point. Some people still believed in stigmas without understanding circumstances, and many had fallen victim to such an issue. However, I admitted early that my sanity was far more important than others’ opinions. Seeing my psychiatrist and my therapist undoubtedly helped me get into that mental state, so my self-esteem did not waver after my diagnosis.

In case you get diagnosed with a mental health disorder like me, you should cooperate with the mental health professionals well to return to your normal life soon. Good luck!

Why Regular Schooling Is Awesome For Kids’ Mental Health

We have seen so much craziness in the world since the first quarter of 2020 that might last us all a lifetime.

mom and kid homeschooling
Source: pexels.com

A new coronavirus came and sent everyone hiding at home for at least a couple of months. Many people have embraced the work-from-home setup, which used to earn a lot of raised eyebrows in the past. And every person is eagerly waiting for a vaccine that could immunize all of us against COVID-19 in the past year.

But more than the adults and their careers, do you know who has been suffering the most due to coronavirus? It’s the kids.

When the news spread like wildfire, the classes were still ongoing. The students had these exams and projects and presentations planned, and then the local government mandated everyone to stay at home and continue the classes online.

Online! It might not be a bother to homeschooled kids, but it’s a different story for those who chose to do regular schooling. The coronavirus robbed them of that choice. Even though this rule was for their benefit, this fact didn’t make the adjustment easier for all. To be honest, moms and dads didn’t have time to prepare themselves for it, and I knew a few whose mental health needs began to suffer, even leading to self harm, behavioral and mental health issues because of these significant yet sudden changes. Some of these kids are even showing some mental health symptoms. Because of the online classes, high school psychologists and other mental health services were challenged to address mental health support and mental health treatment of the students.

Now that we are nearing the fourth quarter of the year, and the classes have started again, things are only slightly better than before. I say ‘slightly’ because the kids can do sports and do other outdoor activities in some states, but not everyone can go to school districts five days a week.

In case you have forgotten the perks for kid’s mental health in regular schoolings, allow me to elaborate below.

two kids doing their homework together
Source: pexels.com

Youngsters Need To Be Around Same-Aged Peers

New parents tend to think that their kids’ behavioral health and success depends on which school they enroll in. Well, that’s partly true. In reality, someone’s success hinges on their ability to form social interactions, develop social skills and build their network. And what’s a better way to do that than by letting kids be around same-aged peers?

Similarly, young people like to copy each other. If a kid sees their friend eating without the teacher’s help during lunch, they may try to do the same. If someone loves to share their toys and snacks to others, they may learn how to be generous, too.

Taking away the kids’ opportunity to hang out with their peers may not be good for kids’ mental health.

Source: pexels.com

Kids Learn Survival Skills At School

Although young people seem to only learn about grammar and science and math and other subjects at public schools, they gain more than that through regular education.

You see, when a kid attends a class, the teacher’s rules become apparent to them. E.g., study hard, listen to your teacher, speak respectfully to everyone, etc. These are practical survival tips that they can use even when they turn into adults.

For instance, in the playground, kids figure out early that bullies and crybabies don’t make a lot of friends. Furthermore, compassion and sportsmanship win everyone’s hearts. Again, such ideas apply in the real world.

Though I can’t be 100% sure about it, it’s safe to say that children can’t learn any of that by taking online classes.

children using their gadgets at home
Source: pexels.com

It Is Awful For Kids To Stay Cooped Up At Home

Before this so-called “new normal,” many parents successfully kept the little ones away from gadgets and video games for the basic reason of avoiding mental health issues. They had sports matches and martial arts training and recitals to occupy their days; their friends were always available to play with them, too. However, when the coronavirus arrived, all kids had been forbidden to leave their own houses, so there was only so much that moms and dads could do to keep them happy.

The online classes didn’t help with the health issues and complicated situation since they forced the children to be in front of the computer the entire day. Sure, they still had lectures and quizzes and everything, but they were mostly sitting in the same spot for hours. That could not be good for their physical and mental health in the long run which may lead to developing mental health issues and behavioral issues.

teacher with students in class
Source: pexels.com

Children Require Stability And Consistency

Regular schooling is ideal for kids who need stability and consistency in their lives. They know that the teachers expect them to sit in class five days a week; they see the same faces of classmates and teachers daily. Even if there is a school break for two months, they will still be with each other after that.

Unfortunately, there is nothing stable or consistent with the new setup. Some get a combination of online and regular classes; others do online classes until a vaccine comes. It may have been okay if the government has simply stuck to a single educational system so that the kids won’t get mental and confused.

Final Thoughts

Since most vaccines are not mass-produced until January 2021, parents and children alike have no choice but to embrace online schooling instead of public school education for more than two weeks at the least. Despite that, once you get to decide later if your child will continue doing that or go back to regular schooling, do the latter – it’s fantastic for kids’ mental health. Plus, you’ll have access to mental health professionals, a school mental health counselor, and social workers, so it’s not just you providing care for your kid’s mental health in regular schooling.


How Can Community Schools Help Children Maintain Their Psychological Wellness?

How Do Mental Health Disorders Affect Children And Youth At School?

How Does Mental Health Affect Students Academic Performance?

Why Is Family Involvement Crucial For Student Success?


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Some people wonder what the most concise indicator of academic success is. Apparently, it’s not one’s economic status, nor is it the stature of the school that the child is attending. The best indicator of academic achievement is the degree to which families provide support and inspiration for them to learn at home and participate in their child’s education.

When parents are involved in their child’s academic lives, students have the support and knowledge necessary to not only complete their projects but to instill a lasting passion for learning as well. Most teachers agree that with students whose parents are sufficiently involved, there is definitely a significant change in their performance in the classrooms. The more participation is seen from parents in their child’s education, the more motivated and inspired the child becomes, and the better their grades. Encouraging parents to be involved is more than just a consideration. It’s one of the greatest methods to help promote a constructive and successful learning environment for each student. To build a community that is rooted in good parent-teacher relationships in the school environment, know more about parent engagement, and how to support it.

Parent Engagement

Experts define parent engagement as a sharing of responsibility of teachers and parents in order to support children in their learning and to be able to meet their educational goals. This occurs when teachers encourage parents to attend school meetings or affairs, and in turn, parents spend time with their children at home and in school as well. This way, they are encouraged to make a commitment. With parent-teacher learning collaboration, parents vouch to give priority to their child’s academic goals, and teachers vouch to listen and give ample space for parents to collaborate.

Parent engagement in the child’s school is unlike parent involvement, although both of these are beneficial. In parent involvement, parents typically participate in school affairs and activities, while teachers offer their skills for the children to learn, and they provide them with their grades. Teachers are also mainly responsible for setting students’ academic goals. They don’t consider parents as partners but chaperons or directors that help guide them through the students’ learning process.


Source: nydailynews.com


It helps to consider parent involvement as the initial step to parent engagement. While teachers can provide assistance to parents in some aspects, parents, too, can provide vital information regarding their child that teachers might have no knowledge on. Both can actually provide different viewpoints that can help improve the student’s learning experience. Both complement each other.

Importance Of Parent Involvement

The involvement of parents and their engagement in the education of their child does play a tremendous role now more than ever. A study done four years ago revealed a decline in parents who were engaged in close parent-teacher communication. Parents nowadays choose remote ways of communicating, such as online classrooms, and they have been attending parent-teacher meetings and activities less and less. This change is abrupt and troubling because of what it implies for parent engagement. While devices and other tools help families stay cognizant, students still miss out when parents don’t give their time and support.

Parent involvement in the school environment is the initial step to parent engagement and, consequently, parent-teacher partnership. When both parties work on building a comfortable and flourishing classroom, the impact of this on the students is truly significant. Children whose parents are sufficiently engaged do not only have high grades – their self-confidence, attendance, and graduation rates increase too. Parent-teacher connections are much more than a voluntary student benefit. They are crucial in helping students in a classroom as well as on a personal level. Educators must provide space for parent involvement to improve the classroom’s potential for growth.

On the other hand, there are other benefits of family engagement. Parents and teachers benefit from it as well. Teachers can ready the parents to help with assignments and projects, and active parents typically look up to teachers, which in turn boosts a teacher’s self-confidence. Being aware of a student’s family life can also guide teachers in how they will organize their lessons to suit the student’s needs better. And when students get more support from parents and teachers, they perform better in the classroom. It’s a win-win!

Increasing Parent and Family Engagement

It’s not too late to establish strong grounds for parent-teacher communication in the schools and communities. But the earlier you do this, the more capable your students will become in reaching their academic goals and dreams.


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  • As teachers, you should willingly share your contact information with the parents and know them earlier. If you start a connection sooner than later, they can easily ask questions and are more comfortable to reach out to you.
  • Give parents a chance to be oriented with the school grounds, administrators, and policies. Inform them about volunteering, school activities, or parent-teacher groups so they will have better participation opportunities.
  • It is essential to make personal connections with parents. If this is not possible always, reach out to them through texts, emails, and other online applications to keep them updated about current and future class events.
  • Confront common problems and challenges that hinder parents from engaging. Examples of these include a daunting environment and different types of conflicts.



Signs Your Mental Health Is Falling Apart (Pandemic Discussion)

Mental health quickly becomes the most pressing issue in society today. That is because of the growing number of people suffering from stress and anxiety due to COVID-19. A lot of people are now aware that mental illness is one of the leading causes of health deterioration and suicide. But despite this, there is still a startling number of individuals who fail to realize just how important it is to seek professional help.

In line with the pandemic situation, emotional and mental exhaustion is a serious concern. And getting burnt out is an official mental health issue. When people neglect mental health, they suddenly experience warning signs. Here are the few of those symptoms.

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Eating And Sleeping Pattern Has Changed

Often, when individuals find it difficult to sleep and eat, they usually suffer from emotional or mental health problems. Sometimes, even though they haven’t made any significant changes in their lifestyle, they automatically show red flags. Some of these changes take the form of overeating or not eating enough, oversleeping, and sleep deprivation. With this, it is essential to note that dramatic change in sleeping and eating pattern is often associated with poor personal care. That is because sleeping and eating are the ones vital for individuals’ physical, mental, and emotional health. When people don’t get the rest their mind and body need, it becomes difficult for them to concentrate and be productive.

Source: pexels.com

Experiencing Unstable Moods

Another sign of mental health problems has frequent mood swings. It makes people more anxious, irritable and stressed just from experiencing minor inconvenience. Usually, when that’s the case, people’s mental health is crying for help. That is because of the sudden intense shift in emotions is most likely caused by mental exhaustion. It is a sign that tells people that their mental health is pass due, overworked, and badly needed for a break. Experiencing an unstable mood may cause the brain to malfunction. Thus, it tends to have difficulty in regulating emotions like it is supposed to. And because of this, people may find themselves often stressed out all time. Then become unmotivated to do anything and get overwhelmed by the unfortunate pandemic situation.

Source: pexels.com

Getting Disconnected From Everything And Everyone

Social distancing is the most critical safety measure that people need to follow right now. However, when they feel disconnected from everything and keep on isolating themselves from the people they are generally close to, it can mean something. Social withdrawal and isolation are the worst consequences of having poor mental health. When this happens, people begin to distance themselves from social activities. These people don’t want to be around with anyone, even with friends and loved ones. It causes emotional numbness. When that happens, it is essential that people should take care of themselves mentally.

Source: pexels.com

Feeling Down All The Time

When people experience frequent depressive moods, it might be a sign of mental deterioration. It is where people find it hard to feel pleasure anymore. The things they usually love are no longer interesting to them. Honestly, this is a cause of concern. Aside from being irritable, people become unmotivated, disinterested, and exhausted for no reason. Often, they have difficulty concentrating and focusing on a specific task. And when things are worse, all these people see are negativity that makes them depress and empty. Also, when people suffer from falling mental health, they begin to show signs of impaired cognitive functioning. It usually happens when people are putting too much on their plate even if they know they cannot handle it anymore.

With all the difficulties happening right now, people should always remember to take care of their mental health